It’s been a busy month. It was Krish’s birthday, my latest nephew was born, I spent hours laughing at Alan Partridge, I wrote a commission poem for Rethink charity (I'll post the video in the coming months) and I had to forge my own signature to get a driving license! Seriously, the guy at the test centre asked me to sign to say I was insured on the instructor’s car, so I did, and he said it was wrong. I said how could my signature be wrong when it was me writing my own name? He said it was a signature recognition test and it didn’t match the one on my provisional license, but I signed that when I was 17 and didn’t have a proper signature yet. So I told him to show me it and I’ll forge it but he wouldn’t show me, so I did a ridiculous one that looked even less like my 17 year old not-yet-a-signature and more like Mr Tickle signing a stamp with a whip from another room where he can't even see it, and told him that’s all he was getting. So then, I’ve been all aggressive and he’s badly wanting to fail me, but I smashed it anyway, carefully, at 30mph mainly, staying closing to the curb while reversing round a corner, and passed. Also, Vibrations came out with our interview in:
We’ve been writing new songs this month, to be debuted at the Fav in Leeds on Thursday 23rd April, and also recording some older stuff. When listening back to vocal takes from No Sleep Tonight you could hear me making weird groaning sounds that I didn't even know I was doing, so I've taken them, along with other sounds captured around takes, and made them into something bedautiful. I’ve even added some Middlemanimation towards the end. Check it out: